Mailing List Subscription & Removal

SecuritySpace operates several opt-in mailing lists associated with the web site. Our privacy statement provides details on how we protect information you provide us. You may choose to unsubscribe at any point of time, using the form at the bottom of this page.

Monthly Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter is distributed at the start of each month, and contains:
  • Notification of improvements and updates to our services.
  • A summary of the top news stories for the past month
  • New vulnerability tests added to our Security Auditing service
  • Various highlights of our web surveys
  • Other items that may be added from time to time.

Our latest newsletter can be viewed on-line, along with an archive of newsletters dating back to early 1999.

Vulnerability Test Announcements

This mailing list announces new tests that are added to our test suite. This provides an easy way to stay on top of new vulnerability testing capabilities as they are added to our site. Email announcements go out roughly at a rate of one every 2-3 days (the frequency of new tests being added to our services.)

Weekly Security News Feed

Our weekly security news feed is a once-a-week mailing, usually delivered late Friday, summarizing the security news headlines from the past week.

Daily Security News Feed

Our daily security news feed is a once-a-day mailing, delivered at the end of business each day, summarizing the day's security headlines posted on the SecuritySpace web site.


Use the following form to subscribe or remove yourself from our mailing lists.

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